
How to Help Young Artists Pursue Their Artistic Dreams

Is your child enthusiastic about art? Do they dream about being an artist someday? Sadly, many young people are discouraged from pursuing a career in the arts. Perhaps it is seen as an unsafe career choice or maybe just too expensive to pursue. Being seen as unsafe or “not a real job” is an outdated perception that needs to be changed. Try telling the animators at Disney that being an artist is not a real job. In today’s world, there are so many more career opportunities in art such as graphic design, set design, animation, photography, game design, film creation, animation, etc. With the popularity of social media and online entrepreneurship, the world is opening up to more possibilities for careers in art. The world of the artist no longer has to be limited in any way. Unfortunately, there is another reason why young artists quit their dreams - because they do not have enough money or resources to pursue them. Kids and teens may think their only option is to rely on par...

How Online Fundraising Can Help Kids and Teens Fulfill Their Dreams

The young people of today are not limited to thinking about school and playing. Today’s kids are far more advanced. They are dreaming about their future endeavors. They have big dreams like running their own clothing line or some other business that greatly interests them. Unfortunately, it can be difficult for the parents of these kids to financially support them with the money that is required for fulfilling their goals. Because of the lack of money, kids may end up feeling as though they may never achieve their dreams. Finding jobs or other physical ways to raise money can also be challenging and limiting for young people. Fortunately today there is a new options for all kids and teens. Online fundraising platforms . Where kids can raise money online easily and safely. Fundraising platforms are proven to be extremely helpful in raising money. Online fundraising is also called crowd funding. For the last few years, crowd funding has been growing by leaps and bounds. Anot...

Make Your Dream a Reality with KidVisionaries

  Are you 18 years or under and trying to raise money to make your dream a reality? Do you need money for your dream and don’t know where to turn? Or have you tried fundraising on your own, but haven’t had the success you need? Fund raising for kids and teens can be difficult - especially during these trying times. No matter what idea, dream or visionyou need funding for,it’s important to do some proper planning. Think about what you need to get started and map out a vision of what you want to accomplish. Know that there is always a path for you to succeed at your dream. If this idea important to you, don’t give up. For research, you can search on the Internet or can ask friends and family or the community for recommendations. For fund raising, there is now an easier way. You can do it online safely through a specialty kid/teen crowdfunding platform called KidVisionaries. If you are not familiar with crowdfunding, simply put, it’s an online site where you can create a...

KidVisionaries: Fundraising Platform for Kids and Teens to Raise Funds for Their Ideas

  As a kid or teen, your mind is ever-evolving and learning. You are overflowing with innovative ideas and passions. Just like others, you want to make your ideas and visions a reality. To do so, you may need money and resources to succeedat your dream. Of course, your parents may be able to provide financial support but perhaps only at a certain level. What if you need more funds to keep your innovative idea moving forward? That's where online kids fundraisers can help you! You can now create an online crowdfunding campaign using a fundraiser platform and promote it to generate money for supplies, classes, fees, startup money, etc. If you are a kid or teen needing money for any idea or dream, check out KidVisionaries right away. KidVisionaries is amongst the leading crowdfunding platforms that is exclusively dedicated to giving a platform to kids and teens to raise funds for their dreams. It is a one-of-a-kind platform that allows kids and teens to generate funds to...

Crowdfunding for Young Artists and Funding Resources with KidVisionaries

  As a kid or a teen, your mind is probably overflowing with different ideas and visions for your life. Maybe you want to be an artist such as a famous painter or graffiti artist or cartoonist or graphic designer. If you are passionate about your idea, work toward your dream, practice your craft, take classes, find mentors, and read about successful people in your field. Persistence and the commitment to never give up, despite any challenges, will put you on the path to success! Do you have the dream to be an artist, but don’t have the resources to help you with your art classes or supplies? Don’t be discouraged. If your parents are unable to help you at this point, you are not alone. But how will you raise enough funds to pursue your dream of being an artist? Don’t worry! There is a now a safe online crowdfunding/fundraising platform just for young artists like you! They specialize in crowdfunding (or online fundraising) campaigns for young people with a passion to ...

Your Age Cannot Stop You from Making Your Dreams Come True

Having a dream to do something or become someone is not bound by your age. Passion can start early in life and so may the drive to pursuethat passion to achieve a dream. Many kids and teensare extremely passionate with an innovative vision, business idea or life dream. But because oftheir young age, they may face various obstaclessuch as: 1. Not Everybody Understands Young People Wanting to Pursue Their Dreams : While most people are proud of seeing kidsstriving toward a dream, there are also some who think it is just a phase or they are too young. Unfortunately, messages like this could be a factor that teaches young people not to pursuewhat they want in life. 2. Not Having Enough Funds : To pursue or grow in any field, every person will need funds, be it a kid or adult. Though obtaining funds for an adult can be easy, finding money or creating fundraisers for kids can be difficult. 3. Asking Kids/Teens to Wait for the Right Time : Sometimes, people do not let their kids...

Four Key Crowdfunding Tips You Can Follow

  Everyone from their childhood is passionate about something in their life. While some people dedicatedly work for it, some people see their passion just as something that they would do as a hobby. If you are an innovative kid with dreams about having a career in music, singing or dance and you do not want to give up your dreams, you have come to the right place. Through this post, we will motivate you so that you can work hard to make your music, singing or dance passion your career. If your tight budget is stopping you from pursuing your passion, you now have a safe, online fundraising source for music crowdfunding . Crowdfunding may seem like such an overwhelming word. Don’t worry because here we have listed excellent crowdfunding tips that you can follow to get money for your music equipment, supplies, classes or anything else for which you are raising money. • Strategic Social Media: There are different social media platforms you can use to help gain traction a...