How to Help Young Artists Pursue Their Artistic Dreams

Is your child enthusiastic about art? Do they dream about being an artist someday? Sadly, many young people are discouraged from pursuing a career in the arts. Perhaps it is seen as an unsafe career choice or maybe just too expensive to pursue. Being seen as unsafe or “not a real job” is an outdated perception that needs to be changed. Try telling the animators at Disney that being an artist is not a real job. In today’s world, there are so many more career opportunities in art such as graphic design, set design, animation, photography, game design, film creation, animation, etc. With the popularity of social media and online entrepreneurship, the world is opening up to more possibilities for careers in art. The world of the artist no longer has to be limited in any way. Unfortunately, there is another reason why young artists quit their dreams - because they do not have enough money or resources to pursue them. Kids and teens may think their only option is to rely on par...